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Friday, September 30, 2016

Puppy Pic of the Day

Positive Quote of the Day

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

 -Helen Keller

photo: Madeleine Kuennen, Germany 2012

9/29/16 A Post From In-Paitent

3 positive things:
1. I made a friend.

2. I didn't feel depressed or suicidal at all today.

3. The chicken tenders were really good.

Something I did good today:
Go to all the groups and activities.

Something I look forward to tomorrow:
Going home.


1. I came home from the hospital today.

2. My new phone arrived today.

3. My outfit looks killer (Imo)

Something Good I did for myself today:
I picked up my medicine from walmart.

Something I have planned for tomorrow:
RPG Vampires game with my friends.