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My Story

My whole life I've struggled with depression and anxiety. I had major abandonment issues and my relationships were always rocky. I cut and considered ending my life more often than the normal depressed teen. In early September of 2016 I was hospitalized for "suicidal ideations", after my girlfriend at the time overdosed on meds. I was the one who called the police.

In-patient, I didn't do well. I was depressed to the point of being a blob, anxious to the point of scratching my arms until they bled, and the hospital didn't do much. I came out barely better but tried my best to act like it had helped because everyone said it should have.

2 weeks later my ex admitted to liking someone else and I fell off the edge. I was dangerously close to ending it all when I walked into my friend's room sobbing. They helped me contact an emergency counselor and later, took me to the emergency room.

I went to Blessings Hospital in Quincy, Illinois for 5 days and was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. I did everything they told me to and when I left on 9/30/16 I felt much much better.

This blog is meant to remind me of the (sometimes small) good things in life and focus on tomorrow. If you have any questions or comments about Borderline or your own struggles feel free to contact me.

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