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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Self Talk

I am strong, I can get through this.
I am beautiful.
I am thoughtful and caring.
I am charismatic and fun.
No one is going to leave me.
No one hates me.
No one settles for me.
I am not second.
I am smart and my future is bright.
I am not perfect, I make mistakes and that is okay.
I do not have to be happy all the time.
My illness doesn't define me but my ability to get through it does.
Life can be hard but it is not against me.
When life is hard, getting through it makes me stronger.
I am likable and I have friends.
I am creative and unique.
I don't have to try to be anyone else because I am me.


  1. Beautiful. Powerful. Correct.
    Those words represent your words.... and you! Stay strong. There are many people who love you - including me!
